What is "woke"? I was watching a Youtube video about "wokeness", and as part of the video this person was attempting to define it, and was making the point that nobody on either "side" can define it. I think "woke" has two meanings today, depending on whether you're on the right or the left. On t...
What is woke?
Chronic pain, RSI, and alternative treatment ideas
Alternative treatments ideas for chronic pain, and RSI symptoms and causes
Places to learn zouk online
Yes! You can still take dance lessons during the pandemic. Here is a great list of teachers who offer classes online. In no particular order:Xandy Liberato - Very spiritual approach. Gui Prada and Alisson RSandi with Julissa, Hermela, and Vanessa at District Zouk -many differe...
Safely storing your passwords with Keepass
Password storage is definitely a problem that some are struggling to figure out and others should put more effort into trying to figure out.The sad truth is that most people keep their passwords on sticky notes, or on a notepad in their desk drawer...or worse they just use the same password for ever...
Integral Theory, MHC, and Metamodernism ...how they all fit together
MHC level (the hardware) So along comes this guy at Harvard named Michael Commons, and he creates this theory of complexity called “The Model of Hierarchical Complexity” (MHC). MHC says that there is a universal progression of complexity, or how we see and interact with the world, that r...
I have Urbit galaxies, stars, and planets for sale
Info about buying Urbit stars and planets. Updated regularly.
Integral Theory Part 2, The diagnosis of our political world
The world is falling apart. Politics has become incredibly polarized. Opposing sides can’t ever work together, even on issues where they agree, racial and gender issues are boiling over, and everyone seems to be talking past each other. The 2016 election of Donald Trump ...
Integral Theory Part 1, an introduction to the evolution of human consciousness
Since the universe began, we have seen a pattern of small things grouping together into larger things that result in something new that is greater than the sum of its parts. This phenomenon has resulted, at every stage, in more complexity and more depth. We saw atoms group into molecul...
An integral review of Nonviolent Communication
So, I bought the book "Nonviolent Communication" recently, and since it's only 200 pages, with about 50 pages of it being introductions and quizzes and stories, it was a fairly quick read. Integral philosophy has again proven to be a good lens with which to understand and analyze things like t...
Resources for learning about Integral Theory/Spiral Dynamics/Metamodernism
Over the last couple of years, I have read many books and sat through many videos on Integral Theory, Spiral Dynamics, and Metamodernism so that you don't have to. Below are my best recommendations for further investigation, with some notes and cautions. Note: Many of the r...